Results for 'M. C. Cole'

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  1. From Nothing to Everything. [REVIEW]M. C. Cole - 2022 - Mind 132 (v):98-103.
    Throughout the history, whenever humans encounter a phenomenon for which there was no explanation, a theory was proposed for it. Of course, not necessarily all the theories were purely scientific and many of them were non-scientific, pseudo- scientific, or at best were only slightly influenced by science. But one thing was in common among them: they all were trying to provide as deeper as possible explanations about how the universe works. Although today and in the modern era the exact meaning (...)
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    Ethics in Pharmacy Practice: A Practical Guide.Dennis M. Sullivan, Douglas C. Anderson & Justin W. Cole - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This textbook offers a unique and accessible approach to ethical decision-making for practicing pharmacists and student pharmacists. Unlike other texts, it gives clear guidance based on the fundamental principles of moral philosophy, explaining them in simple language and illustrating them with abundant clinical examples and case studies. The strength of this text is in its emphasis on normative ethics and critical thinking, and that there is truly a best answer in the vast majority of cases, no matter how complex. The (...)
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    From description to generalization, or there and back again.Kelsey L. West, Kasey C. Soska, Whitney G. Cole, Danyang Han, Justine E. Hoch, Christina M. Hospodar & Brianna E. Kaplan - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    In his target article, Yarkoni prescribes descriptive research as a potential antidote for the generalizability crisis. In our commentary, we offer four guiding principles for conducting descriptive research that is generalizable and enduring: prioritize context over control; let naturalistic observations contextualize structured tasks; operationalize the target phenomena rigorously and transparently; and attend to individual data.
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    Ecological momentary assessment of the unique effects of trait worry on daily negative emotionality: does arousal matter?Alexandra M. Adamis, Sarah C. Jessup, David A. Cole & Bunmi O. Olatunji - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Worry proneness is a transdiagnostic trait that predicts increased negative affect (NA), potentially in the service of preventing negative emotional contrasts. Although discrete types of NA vary along the dimension of arousal, the extent to which trait worry predicts high vs. low arousal forms of NA in daily life is unclear. This distinction has important implications for conceptualising how worry may perturb adaptive emotionality in various disorders. The present study (not pre-registered) aimed to isolate the effects of trait worry on (...)
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    A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Perceived Infant Outcomes at 18–24 Months: Neural and Psychological Correlates of Parental Thoughts and Actions Assessed during the First Month Postpartum. [REVIEW]Pilyoung Kim, Paola Rigo, James F. Leckman, Linda C. Mayes, Pamela M. Cole, Ruth Feldman & James E. Swain - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Christian Guidance of the Social Instincts. A Survey of the Church Work for Social Purity, Etc.J. M. Cole & F. C. Bacon - 1928 - Faith Press.
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    Galton's data a century later.Ronald C. Johnson, Gerald E. McClearn, Sylvia Yuen, Craig T. Nagoshi, Frank M. Ahern & Robert E. Cole - 1985 - American Psychologist 40 (8):875-892.
    Analyzed F. Galton's data on the sensory, psychomotor, and physical attributes of 1,639 females and 4,849 males. The reliability of the measures, developmental trends in mean scores, correlations of the measures with age, correlations among measures, occupational differences in scores, and sibling correlations are described. Developmental trends during later childhood, adolescence, and early maturity are compared to those described in contemporary developmental psychological literature.
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    Doing Knowledge Transfer: Engaging Management and Labor with Research on Employee Health and Safety.Kenneth Leithwood, Donald C. Cole & Desre M. Kramer - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):316-330.
    In workplace health interventions, engaging management and union decision makers is considered important for the success of the project, yet little research has described the process of making this happen. A case study of a knowledge-transfer process is presented to describe the practices and processes adopted by a knowledge broker who engaged workplace parties in discussions on research on physical and psychosocial factors important for employee health. The process included one-on-one interactions between the knowledge broker and individuals to explain the (...)
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    Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A Combined Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Findings.Emily Subara-Zukic, Michael H. Cole, Thomas B. McGuckian, Bert Steenbergen, Dido Green, Bouwien C. M. Smits-Engelsman, Jessica M. Lust, Reza Abdollahipour, Erik Domellöf, Frederik J. A. Deconinck, Rainer Blank & Peter H. Wilson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimThe neurocognitive basis of Developmental Coordination Disorder remains an issue of continued debate. This combined systematic review and meta-analysis provides a synthesis of recent experimental studies on the motor control, cognitive, and neural underpinnings of DCD.MethodsThe review included all published work conducted since September 2016 and up to April 2021. One-hundred papers with a DCD-Control comparison were included, with 1,374 effect sizes entered into a multi-level meta-analysis.ResultsThe most profound deficits were shown in: voluntary gaze control during movement; cognitive-motor integration; practice-/context-dependent (...)
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Jeffery Aubin, Marie Chantal, Dianne M. Cole, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, Cathelyne Duchesne, Christel Freu, Steve Johnston, Brice C. Jones, Amaury Levillayer, Stéphanie Machabée, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Philippe Therrien, Jonathan I. von Kodar, Martin Voyer, Jennifer K. Wees & Eric Crégheur - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (2):327.
    Jeffery Aubin ,Marie Chantal ,Dianne Cole ,Julio Chaves ,Cathelyne Duchesne ,Christel Freu ,Steve Johnston ,Brice Jones ,Amaury Levillayer ,Stéphanie Machabée ,Paul-Hubert Poirier ,Philippe Therrien ,Jonathan von Kodar ,Martin Voyer ,Jennifer Wees ,Eric Crégheur.
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    Use of Statins by Medicare Beneficiaries Post Myocardial Infarction.Mary C. Schroeder, Jennifer G. Robinson, Cole G. Chapman & John M. Brooks - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801557113.
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  12. Acuna-Farina, C., 217 Betancort, M., 217 Bharucha, JJ, 131 Bigand, E., 100.R. Breheny, M. Carreiras, J. Cole-Virtue, M. Coltheart, M. Curtis, J. M. Darley, M. A. Defeyter, J. M. Doris, A. Fernald & W. T. Fitch - 2006 - Cognition 100:543.
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  13. The Over-extended Mind.U. M. D. Cole - unknown
    There’s a possibly more interesting general question: does technology transform and extend the mind and our mental powers? In a widely discussed 1998 paper titled “The Extended Mind”, Andy Clark and David Chalmers argue that mind and cognition can extend outside the head and can include items and processes in the world. In their thought experiment, Otto has alzheimer’s syndrome but does not lose his ability to function because he records information he learns in a notebook that he always carries. (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Janice Ann Beran, Peter Sola, Joseph C. Bronars Jr, Cole S. Brembeck, Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, James M. Giarelli, C. M. Smith, E. V. Johanningmeier, Glenn E. Snelbecker, Basil J. Reppas, George W. Bright, Sandford W. Reitman & Daniel S. Parkinson - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (2):175-209.
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    Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece (review).Susan Guettel Cole - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):633-637.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.4 (2002) 633-637 [Access article in PDF] Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry, and Jas; Elsner, eds. Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. xii + 379 pp. Cloth, $65. As he moves from monument to monument and polis to polis, Pausanias gives the impression that the sun is always shining and the weather fresh and sweet. Beyond the next (...)
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    Love and the postmodern predicament: rediscovering the real in beauty, goodness, and truth.D. C. Schindler - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    The computer has increasingly become the principal model for the mind, which means our most basic experience of ""reality"" is as mediated through a screen, or stored in a cloud. As a result, we are losing a sense of the concrete and imposing presence of the real, and the fundamental claim it makes on us, a claim that Iris Murdoch once described as the essence of love. In response to this postmodern predicament, the present book aims to draw on the (...)
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  17. Artificial Life: An Overview.C. Langton & M. Boden - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):587-601.
  18. The Philosophy of the Present.M. C. Otto, George Herbert Mead, Arthur E. Murphy & John Dewey - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (3):314.
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    SMART, J. J. C.: "Philosophy and scientific realism".M. C. Bradley - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42:262.
  20.  42
    The Formation of the German Chemical Community . Karl Hufbauer.M. C. Usselman - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):165-166.
  21. [no title].M. C. Dillon (ed.) - 1991 - Suny Pr.
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  22. Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation.M. C. Galavotti & A. Pagnini (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  23. Index of Authors volume 4, 2000.M. J. Abdolmohammadi, B. K. Burton, A. B. Carroll, A. Chatterjee, C. J. Coate, N. Coleman, L. Dickie, Dickinson Jr, M. Dion & B. A. Diskin - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (453).
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    Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural and Religious History, C. 1930 to the Present.M. C. Ricklefs - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  25. Mutations and calcium signaling defects in the nervous and immune systems (vol 23, pg 733, 2001).M. P. Mattson, S. L. Chan & C. S. Presenilin - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (10):979-979.
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    (2 other versions)Schweitzer and Radhakrishnan: A Comparison, Parts II and III.C. W. M. Gell - 1952 - Hibbert Journal: A Quarterly Review of Religion, Theology, and Philosophy 51:355-365.
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    Programme of the society.C. M. Goethe - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (1):77.
  28. Bridging theory and application through practitioner research in higher education.M. Mahruf C. Shohel (ed.) - 2025 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    This book will be a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic intersection between academic practice and research methodologies within higher education settings.
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  29. Autobiographical and Eyewitness Memory: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives.C. Thompson, Jon J. Read, D. Bruce, D. G. Payne & M. Toglia (eds.) - 1998 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
  30.  7
    New Directions in the Philosophy of Science.M. C. Galavotti (ed.) - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume sheds light on still unexplored issues and raises new questions in the main areas addressed by the philosophy of science. Bringing together selected papers from three main events, the book presents the most advanced scientific results in the field and suggests innovative lines for further investigation. It explores how discussions on several notions of the philosophy of science can help different scientific disciplines in learning from each other. Finally, it focuses on the relationship between Cambridge and Vienna in (...)
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    The Quest for Certainty.M. C. Otto - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (1):79.
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  32. Author's Response: The Productive Challenge of Large Cohorts in Radical Constructivist Education.C. M. Herr - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):415-420.
    Upshot: Responding to and further developing the points raised by the open peer commentaries, I discuss a range of themes, including possible roles of lecture-based teaching in a radical constructivist approach to education, approaches to the teaching of large cohorts in a radical constructivist manner, the role of assessment in students’ learning experiences, the distinction of “models of” student learning, contrasted with “models for” student learning, the distinction of literal conversation from an atmosphere conducive to conversation, and the use of (...)
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  33. What Can Cybernetics Learn from Design?C. M. Herr - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):583-585.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Design Research as a Variety of Second-Order Cybernetic Practice” by Ben Sweeting. Upshot: Based on Sweeting’s central question of what design can bring to cybernetics, this commentary extends and adds further depth to the target article. Aspects discussed include the nature of practice in relation to design, the introduction of designerly ways of acting and thinking through acting to cybernetics, and the re-introduction of material experimentation typical of early cybernetics.
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  34. List of Contents: Volume 14, Number 3, June 2001.C. M. Caves, C. A. Fuchs & P. Rungta - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (10).
  35. Boethius of Dacia, 117 Bolton, R., 2, 6, 20.M. H. Abrams, J. G. Ackermann, C. Adam, P. Adam, P. Adamson, J. Aertsen, M. Alonso, Alphonso Vargas, F. Alquié & R. Andrews - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.
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  36. Thoughts about education administration and improvement.C. M. Achilles - 2003 - Journal of Thought 38 (4):105-122.
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  37. Note: Page numbers in italics refer to bibliography pages.M. J. Adams, R. J. Adams, E. H. Adelson, C. J. Aine, M. L. Albert, M. P. Alexander, J. M. Alklman, J. Allman, J. M. Allman & R. A. Andersen - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff, Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Are New Zealand business students more unethical than non-business students?C. B. Alan & Alan K. M. Au - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):445-450.
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  39. The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China, IV, An Abridgement of Joseph Needham's Original Text.C. A. Ronan & M. F. Low - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (5):524-525.
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  40. Wright. Er—e 65.C. Myrianthopoulos & Stanley M. Aronson - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (4):65.
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  41. Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods.C. M. Caves - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24:1583-1583.
  42. The Problem of Life; An Essay in the Origins of Biological Thought.C. V. M. Smith - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):199-202.
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  43. Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases does not consider developmental changes. Commentary on Preston and de Waal.M. L. Commons & C. Wolfsont - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1).
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    Data Mining and Hypothesis Refinement using a Multi-Tiered Genetic Algorithm.C. M. Taylor & A. Agah - 2010 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 19 (3):191-226.
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  45. Irvine, California March 30–April 2, 1995.C. A. Anderson, S. Buss, M. Foreman & C. Laskowski - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3).
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  46. Abd-El-Khalick, F., 787 Adúriz-Bravo, A., 27 Allchin, D., 315 Astore, WJ, 185.M. W. Aulls, M. Ben-Ari, A. Berarroch, M. Bunge, L. M. Burko, L. Cardellini, M. Cini, A. Cordero, K. C. De Berg & J. Dodick - 2003 - Science & Education 12:807-808.
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    Anomalies Generated by Contemporary Physics.M. A. Bartter, R. V. Harrington & C. A. Hilgartner - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (2-3):129-143.
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  48. Where do underlying representations come from: a connectionist approach to the acquisition of phonological rules.C. D. Lee & M. Gasser - 1992 - In John Dinsmore, The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 179--207.
  49. La enfermería española víctima del burnout.M. Lupiani, F. J. Gala & C. Guillén - 2000 - Scientia 5 (1-2):87-97.
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    Measurement bias detection through Bayesian factor analysis.M. T. Barendse, C. J. Albers, F. J. Oort & M. E. Timmerman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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